
IMPRINT will issue regular calls in order to support research and to foster public engagement within the network and beyond.

Open Call: Public Engagement Grants

Submission deadline:  31 July 2024, 3pm GMT

The aim of IMPRINT’s public engagement grants is to fund new, innovative and creative projects that improve the public’s awareness and understanding of maternal vaccination, build confidence and address risk perceptions.

  • Funds of up to £12,000 per project will be available to IMPRINT members (and their collaborators where applicable).

  • Activities that involve or are relevant to Low- and Middle-income Countries (LMIC) settings are particularly encouraged.

  • All projects must be completed by 31 August 2025.

  • Applications will be assessed by the IMPRINT public engagement committee using a transparent application process and scoring system.

  • The level of engagement will be evaluated with a final report after project completion.

Examples of possible activities:

  • (Short-)films or podcasts

  • Activities in the context of Open Science Days at research institutions 

  • Theatre plays or (dance) performances

  • Development of information materials (brochures, mobile apps…)

  • Workshops 


  • Call Opening: 23 May 2024

  • Submission Deadline: 31 July 2024, 3pm GMT

  • Evaluation Results: All applicants will be informed immediately after funding decisions have been made.

  • Project Start: Projects can start as soon as the contract has been signed (all projects must be completed by 31 August 2025).

For detailed information please refer to the public engagement application guidance document below.

For application, please use the public engagement application form below.

More Details

Please refer to the respective guidance documents. For any additional queries, don’t hesitate to contact the network manager at

MRC data sharing

For information on good practice principles for sharing participant data from publicly funded clinical and trials and on how to manage your research data, please refer to:

UKRI/MRC open access policy

For MRC open access policy, guidance and FAQ, please refer to: