Recent publications on vaccine confidence

November 1, 2018



Heidi Larson, our challenge 4 co-lead and director of the Vaccine Confidence Project has published the following articles and report on vaccine confidence this month:

  • The “State of Vaccine Confidence in the EU,” a report for the European Commission published in October by the LSHTM and the Vaccine Confidence Project, assessed the overall state of confidence in vaccines among the public in all 28 EU member states and among general practitioners (GP) in ten EU member states between 2015 and 2018. Confidence in (and demand for) vaccines is influenced by a number of factors, including the importance, safety, and effectiveness of vaccines. To examine the extent of public and GP confidence in vaccines, the authors conducted the largest ever study on attitudes to vaccines and vaccination in the EU. They have found a range of novel EU-wide and country-specific insights into vaccination behaviours that may immediately impact on public policy.
  • In The Lancet´s “The state of vaccine confidence” last week, Heidi suggests a five point plan on how to “move analysis into action” and overcome vaccine hesitancy.

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